Culture is a precious asset that should not only be protected, but supported. And Prati Company, sensing the value of this initiative for the territory, wanted to contribute to the support of the event as a Premium Partner.

 “IDEAS WORTH SPREADING”. With this spirit TED (Technology Entertainment Design), a global community founded in 1984 and a gathering point for the best innovators from around the world, launched TEDx, events that aim to bring people together to share the TED formula at the local level. This is how TEDxForlì was born, to foster change and spread innovative ideas in the Forlì area.
Indeed, Prati believes in the genius of human beings, technological innovation generated by the strength of the group, and the importance of sharing knowledge and experience to look at the world from a broader perspective. We congratulate the organizers on the theme chosen for this second edition: DESIRES.

Dreams and desires, in our opinion, not only move our actions and steps but are able to change the reality that moves around us and through us!
We are curious to learn new insights to evolve. And Prati Company will be there.

The appointment for the second edition is for February 3, from 4 to 7 p.m., at the Teatro Diego Fabbri in Forlì.

Confirming the interest generated by the topics covered in the second edition of TEDxForlì, the event quickly went SOLD OUT.
The speakers will offer, in fact, insights worth spreading.

  • Paolo Stella (Writer and creative director) will talk about the importance of having desires, and the ritual of expressing them that forces us all to ask a big question: what do we really want?
  • Giovanni Scifoni (Actor, author, and director) will provocatively discuss a topical issue…the decline of desire: why is the world giving up sex, even though all taboos on the subject seem to have been overcome?
  • Chiara Blasi (Nonprofit Professional) will ponder a universal question that touches each of us: in life, do we really have the freedom to change things when they are no longer working for us?
  • Monica Fantini (Founder of the Festival of Good Living) will focus on the importance of relationship, between sharing, empathy and the desire for connection.
  • Silvia Camporesi (bioethicist) will talk about the human desire to overcome human limitations.
  • Terenzio Traisci (Occupational Psychologist) will explain how positive intelligence is the necessary starting condition for having desires and trying to achieve them.
  • Iader Fabbri (Nutritionist) will talk about desire as that urge to emerge and to seize the secrets to improve oneself every day. Because today more than ever we need to rediscover a desire that is our guide to hunger.


The event will also feature a performance by Monna Elisa, a young songwriter from Forlì who walked the stage of Area Sanremo, winning the Festival Academy tagged Sanremo Symphony Orchestra thanks to the song Gaia.

Happy to be a Premium Partner of this second edition and to share its contents!

Daniela Binario